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String Theory
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The uniform actions of scientists inundated with strict and unflinching rules about the history of science, is exactly the kind of dogma that has lead
String Theory
to be the dominant research programme, whilst being relatively unfruitful in terms of what of its promises it has been able to deliver on.
** Progressive Summary of The Hidden Rules of Physics**
String Theory
posits that everything is composed of vibrating strings, that may close back on themselves, or curl, etc.
**2. What a Wonderful World**
String Theory
posits that everything is composed of vibrating strings, that may close back on themselves, or curl, etc.
The Principle Of Superposition
The assumption of superposition between states leads to a mathematical theory within which the equations that define states are
in terms of the unknowns. The consequence of this is that people have attempted to establish analogies between this and classical systems, such as vibrating strings or membranes (
: it is super interesting that the fundamental objects of
String Theory
were around in
))'s day).
**2. What a Wonderful World**
So does
String Theory
subsume susy, or does susy just conveniently happen to fit within it?
** Progressive Summary of The Hidden Rules of Physics**
The main theories are
, and
String Theory
String Theory