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Symmetry (Physics)
Symmetry refers to the aspects of physical systems that remain unchanged after the application of a transformation to the system.
Symmetry can be continuous, in terms of the rotation of a circle, or discrete, in terms of the rotation of a polygon.
Continuous symmetries are described by
Lie groups
, whereas discrete symmetries are defined by
Finite Groups
Referenced in
Introduction to Gauge Theory
Different arrangements of unobservable fields, can result in congruent observable quantities, and it is the transmutation of one field, to another, that is often referred to as a gauge transformation. Furthermore, the lack of notable change in the observable quantities after a transformation of this type, is referred to as gauge invariance, as the observable physical quantities are
in both fields.
**2. What a Wonderful World**
is a rule, sequence, congruence, or arrangement, that can be encapsulated in math as a representation of symmetry.
Symmetry (Physics)