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Introduction to Gauge Theory

A Gauge Theory is a type, or class of theories, in the field of Physics.

The term gauge refers to some sort of measurement, some thickness (a width), or an in-between distance, or a unit of measurement per certain amount.

Currently, from the viewpoint of modern Physics, everything can be described (as far as the Four Fundamental Forces), as a Field.

Different arrangements of unobservable fields, can result in congruent observable quantities, and it is the transmutation of one field, to another, that is often referred to as a gauge transformation. Furthermore, the lack of notable change in the observable quantities after a transformation of this type, is referred to as gauge invariance, as the observable physical quantities are symmetrical in both fields.

The power of gauge theories lies partially in their insistence upon rigor, as any change induced at the beginning of a transformation, or in the process, must be canceled out in the end observable quantities.


The earliest field theory, is gifted to us via James Clerk Maxwell, who developed the formula forElectrodynamics, but while this contained a gauge symmetry, it went unnoticed.

Following this, Weyl introduced the term gauge, in attempting to explain a potential local symmetry of Electromagnetism, but did so incorrectly, however he and other mathematicians/physicists corrected this later on.

Gauge symmetry was generalized in 1954 by C.N. Yang, and Mills, in what is called Yang-Mills theory, which found its application in QFT, specifically the Weak Force.

The value of gauge theories lies in their usefulness in developing unified frameworks for describing quantum behavior / processes.

In Classical Physics