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The Planck length: Ubiquity and Meaning (Scaffolding).

Before we get to the Planck length, we have to talk about Planck's constant, and subsequently, Planck units.

Planck's Constant

Planck Units

What is the Planck length?

The Planck length is one of a set of units in a system of natural units proposed by Planck in 1899, natural in that they are defined in terms of properties of nature, the four universal physical constants (cc (the speed of light in a vacuum), GG (the gravitational constant), \hbar (Planck's constant), kBk_{B} (Boltzmann's constant)), as opposed to human definition.

It is defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum, during one unit of Planck time (the Planck length divided by cc), and represents the smallest scale for which modern physics can make meaningful statements about space and time. Additionally, it's the scale at which the quantum effects of gravity, the weakest of the four fundamental forces, are expected to become apparent, although these effects have not been observed to a satisfactory degree.

Who is Max Planck?

[Letters To Progress In Physics:

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck](

How did he discover the Planck length?

Absolutely must mention that he was advised by the physics professor of his university not to go into physics, who stated "In this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes.", to the student whose late in life discovery launched an entirely novel and unexpected field of physics.

What were the implications of this for Physics?