Physics Lournal

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**2. What a Wonderful World**

The aesthetic arguments that rise up in defense of theories in Physics stem from an unobjective time in the past, where nature was seen as reflecting divinity.


Within Physics, motion is the process by which the position of some object changes over time.

** Progressive Summary of The Hidden Rules of Physics**

Physics also gets caught up in the elegant end result of a theory, that likely started out as a messy idea, and while Physics & Maths benefit from each other, however, Physics is not Maths.

** Progressive Summary of The Hidden Rules of Physics**

The current problem facing Physics is that there seems to be too much distance between what the experimentalists can do, and what the theorists believe.

On The Tension Between Mathematics and Physics

(a.) Physics focuses on precise measurement, aimed at specifying values of defined physical quantities: this is the work of quantitative experimental physics, and ensures the descriptive accuracy of physics.

Introduction to New Edition

Another example, the discovery of hemoglobin, was the result of work done in a Physics laboratory (and this is reminiscent of Watson & Crick's work on DNA), and generated the fields of protein crystallography.


Within the context of Physics, distance may refer to a physical length, or an estimation.

**5. Ideal Theories**

Thoughts: The Breeding Horses argument, seems super valid to me, but I don't think this is what is taking place in Physics.


The stark separation of Physics from Metaphysics always seemed a bit odd to me: considering that Metaphysics is "beyond Physics", there should be a bridge between the two, so that there can always be information shared about what belongs to who, and where that boundary is.

**Chapter One: Anything Goes**

What's interesting is that you would almost never think something like propaganda would be a tool of scientists, but it certainly is, for instance, Physics, with regard to Naturalness and The Standard Model, has been known to be rather dismissive of theories that posses (or lack) numerical qualities that are not considered in-line with the norms of the day.


Physical space is often defined as having three linear dimensions, though within Physics, it is considered with Time, to be part of a four dimensional continuum, known as Space-Time.

**1. The Hidden Rules of Physics**

The current generation of Physics knowledge isn't benefiting from the labor divide between theorist and experimentalist.

On The Tension Between Mathematics and Physics

Due to the deep interrelation of Mathematics and Physics, there is inherent tension between the two fields, perceived by mathematicians, physicists and mathematical physicists. Also, an attempt is made to explain why mathematical rigor is typically unwelcome in Physics.

Classical and Intuitionist Mathematics Shapes Our Understanding of Time in Physics

These debates impacted Physics greatly: mathematics is the language of physics, and platonism makes speaking about time challenging. This led to the expulsion of the concept of time in physics: all events are the consequence of quantum fluctuations that took place during the big bang.