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P.A.M. Dirac

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**Progressive Summary of 2. What a Wonderful World**

Even Quantum Electrodynamics from which Richard Feynman gained his notoriety, has been pilloried by the aforementioned P.A.M. Dirac, who stated "I might have thought that the new ideas were correct if they had not been so ugly."

On The Tension Between Mathematics and Physics

[Hilbert Space] was established systematically by von Neumann, summarized in his book. The book was based on three papers, published in 1927. Of these three papers, the first introduced the notion of abstract Hilbert space, and presented the "eigenvalue problem", of self-adjoint operators having a continuous part in their spectrum, in a mathematically rigorous form, without making use of Dirac's delta function. The complete, analysis of the spectral theorem was worked out in a following paper in 1930.

Internal Quantum Numbers: Electron Spin Scaffolding.

Work in contributions from James Clerk Maxwell, also consider Richard Feynman/P.A.M. Dirac's QED contributions, which help give us the field theoretic picture of the relativistic nature of the wave nature of the electron.

Dirac Delta Function

The Dirac Delta function is a generalized function, or distribution, introduced by P.A.M. Dirac: it is used to model the density of an idealized point mass, as a function equal to zero everywhere except for zero, and whose integral over the real line is equal to one.