Physics Lournal

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Linear Functions

In Calculus, a linear function is a function that, when graphed, appears as a straight line.

A History of Time: Classical Time

Opposite of this, the entirety of Calculus has built upon an assumed understanding of time, where an objects position at time tt, is given by f(t)f(t), and it's velocity is dxdt\frac {dx}{dt}, the derivative of f(t)f(t) with respect to time, and the acceleration is the second derivative.

What As a Limit?

The fundamental concepts of the two sectors of Calculus are limits: the derivative of Differential Calculus is a limit, as is the integral featured in Integral Calculus.

A Brief Introduction to Time in Physics

If we're treating time as something continuous, and we index tt to the Real numbers, then we are forced apply the concept of limits, from Calculus, to the value of time, meaning it will get arbitrarily close to, but never quite reach the lower bound of 00, or the upper bound of ∞\infty.