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Classical Mechanics

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Indeterminism in Physics, Classical Chaos and Bohmian Mechanics. Are Real Numbers Really Real?

It is common procedure to describe the initial conditions of some classical dynamical physical system, with real numbers, which contain an infinite amount of information. It is argued that a finite volume of space can't contain infinite information, hence real numbers are not physically relevant, as their series of bits are truly random. Additionally, these numbers are more accurately termed "random numbers". An alternative Classical Mechanics is proposed, which is empirically equivalent, but uses only finite-information numbers. The alternative mechanics is non-deterministic, despite the use of deterministic equations. Both the alternative classical mechanics, and quantum theories can be supplemented in such a way that the resulting theory is deterministic. Most physicists supplement classical theory with real numbers, assumed to have some physical existence, while rejecting Bohmian mechanics, as supplemented, arguing that Bohmian positions have no physical reality.

Does Time Really Flow?

A main issue is the fact that General Relativity is a system based on Classical Mechanics, yet Quantum Mechanics puts us in a situation where we have to ask, from where does a particle, that can be in two places at once, attain its gravity? The answer to this question is often called a Theory of Everything or a Theory of Quantum Gravity."

Lecture 1 - Systems and Experiments

While Classical Mechanics does contain phenomena of the same nature, there are two key ways that QM diverges:

A Brief Introduction to Time in Physics

From here, if we zoom in on Classical Mechanics a bit, we will inevitably encounter General Relativity: Einstein's theory that gravity, is the result of mass causing space to curve. A side effect, of this is that gravity and time become linked, due to the fact that the curvature of space increases the distance that light must travel between any two points. The result of this is that the amount of space that light can travel over any span of time becomes smaller as the curvature of space increases, which is why light can't escape Black Holes, and an observer watching some object fall into one, will never actually see the object "finish falling".

Lagrangian Mechanics

Classical Mechanics describes the motion of systems under the influence of forces. Complex physical objects can be expressed as an arrangement of particles, with the static spatial relationships between them being due to stiff interaction forces.

**4. Cracks in the Foundations**

A main issue is the fact that General Relativity is a system based on Classical Mechanics, yet Quantum Mechanics puts us in a situation where we have to ask, from where does a particle, that can be in two places at once, attain its gravity? The answer to this question is often called a Theory of Everything.

A Brief Introduction to Time in Physics

Starting at Classical Mechanics: we index time to the Natural numbers, if we need to treat time as something discrete, or the Real numbers if we need to treat time as something continuous (generally using the latter as it more accurately represents our intuitions about time). Beyond that, there's not a large amount of development of the concept of time, as it is mostly a guidepost, for the path of objects and processes through Space. Time is not where the action is, and thus it's a bit of a background player: time limits, stalls, progresses, or reverses the action.

Does Time Really Flow?

Gisin and another collaborator have reformulated (some) of Classical Mechanics, with the same predictions as Newton, save for events being indeterministic, providing the conditions for uncertainty and The Arrow of Time.

The Principle Of Superposition

A similar contradiction exists in the relationship between the energy oscillation of an electromagnetic field in a vacuum: CM requires specific heats that correspond to this energy to be infinite, but the observed values are obviously finite.

Chapter 0: Intro And Preliminary

We're going to rely on Classical Mechanics: The number of hot-dogs eaten by a person at a given place in line, n, Pn(h)P_{n}(h), is equal to the number of hot-dogs eaten at time nβˆ’1n - 1, plus two so: Pn(h)=Pnβˆ’1(h+2)P_{n}(h) = P_{n - 1}(h + 2).

Newton's Laws of Motion

Within the field of Classical Mechanics, Newton's laws of motion, are three laws which define the relationship between objects in motion, and the forces these objects are subject too.