Physics Lournal

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Space is considered to be the boundless three-dimensional extent in which an objects and events have relative position and direction.

Physical space is often defined as having three linear dimensions, though within Physics, it is considered with Time, to be part of a four dimensional continuum, known as Space-Time.

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In fact, with regards to Quantum Mechanics, Physics is already there, with questions about the fundamental nature of time and Space- it would be foolish not to interact with the field built upon people who think and have thought deeply about these very questions.

A Brief Introduction to Time in Physics

Starting at Classical Mechanics: we index time to the Natural numbers, if we need to treat time as something discrete, or the Real numbers if we need to treat time as something continuous (generally using the latter as it more accurately represents our intuitions about time). Beyond that, there's not a large amount of development of the concept of time, as it is mostly a guidepost, for the path of objects and processes through Space. Time is not where the action is, and thus it's a bit of a background player: time limits, stalls, progresses, or reverses the action.