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Does Time Really Flow?

Kant says two different times must be successive, however, if we have a particle in two different states, at the same time, we have two different times coexisting, which isn't possible according to Kant's perspective on Time as an intuition, or form of knowing. Recently, Swiss physicist Nicolas Gisin published a number of papers attempting to clarify the issue around time, claiming that the issue is largely a mathematical problem, returning to an old mathematical language referred to as Intuitionist Mathematics, rejecting the idea of numbers with infinitely many digits.

A History of Time: Classical Time

Time has been central in Mathematics, from its inception, however time itself, has remained mysteries.

A Brief Introduction to Time in Physics

Starting at Classical Mechanics: we index time to the Natural numbers, if we need to treat time as something discrete, or the Real numbers if we need to treat time as something continuous (generally using the latter as it more accurately represents our intuitions about time). Beyond that, there's not a large amount of development of the concept of time, as it is mostly a guidepost, for the path of objects and processes through Space. Time is not where the action is, and thus it's a bit of a background player: time limits, stalls, progresses, or reverses the action.


Physical space is often defined as having three linear dimensions, though within Physics, it is considered with Time, to be part of a four dimensional continuum, known as Space-Time.